The National Ethics Project (NEP) began an eight-year journey with a shared vision:
to understand how and where ethics is being taught across the country in higher education.

Ethics education, understood.

Our Tools & Resources

The NEP Executive Board consults with APPE to continue building evidence-based arguments for best practices in ethics education.

Understanding Institutional Alignment

A matrix of ethics indicators provides a roadmap for automated and manual review of institutions' ethical climates and cultures.

Instructional Surveys

A pairing of student and instructor surveys allows direct evaluation of the alignment of respective goals in ethics education.

Interview Protocol

An interview guide elicits student perceptions of where and how salient ethics education occurs on campus and which ethical dilemmas students prioritize.

Ethics Course ID Tool

A custom-designed dictionary of more than 300 relevant terms identifies courses in which ethical issues are central.

University Webpage Scraper

A web-scraping tool locates and classifies institutional messaging relevant to ethics education.

Mapping the Ethics Landscape

An interactive map including all 2,497 U.S. institutions that confer a B.A. or higher, listing curricular ethics course availability and campus centers relevant to ethics.