Ethics Education. Understood.
The National Ethics Project (NEP) is a consortium of researchers, educators and practitioners from different disciplines and a variety of higher ed institutions. We study where and how ethics is currently taught. We identify and share effective techniques for ethics instruction. We cultivate evolving projects and tools that promote ethics nationwide.
Society demands ethics education.
The world has changed in significant ways since the last comprehensive study of ethics education 40 years ago. It’s imperative that we keep pace with rapid technological, political, economic, and demographic shifts of the world today. Ethics provides the framework and tools to understand and enact responsible human stewardship for our world. Ethics is increasingly recognized by educators and employers as the pathway to individual and collective integrity, responsibility, and success in society and the workplace.
The NEP strives to offer educators in all environments — K-12, higher education, corporations, government, and anywhere that mindful people gather — effective and innovative ways for communicating and achieving ethical thought and action.